如欲瀏覽及下載更多本計劃的圖畫書、兒歌、教案等等的教學資源, 請先註冊或登入。


Please register or login to view and download our project’s learning and teaching resources, including storybooks, nursery rhymes, lesson plans and worksheets.

請填寫以下資料 Please complete the following information
必須填寫 Compulsory fields
姓名 Name
(Please fill in your full name in CHINESE, if not applicable, please fill in your full name in English.)
電郵 Email
(用作登入名稱 To be used as login username)
手提電話 Mobile number
密碼 Password
確認密碼 Confirm password
(Passwords must be at least six characters in length, containing at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number.)
身份 Identity
教職員 Teaching Staff
家長 Parent
其他 Others
學校 School
職位 Position
身份 Identity
您是否曾參加本計劃舉辦的工作坊、分享會或發佈會? *
Have you ever participated in any workshops, sharing sessions or dissemination seminars organized by the Project?
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